Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

RJ-45 Connector Configuration

Ah, sambil mengingat-ingat kontfigurasi penulis iseng-iseng menulis konfigurasi untuk crimping kabel RJ-45. Kabel RJ-45 adalah kabel Ethernet yang biasa digunakan dalamopologi jaringan komputer LAN maupun jaringan komputer tipe lainnya. Konektor RJ-45 ini memiliki konfigurasi dua macam, sesuai dengan perangkat yang ingin dihubungkannya.
  1. Straight Through Configuration
    Kabel jenis ini biasa digunakan untuk menghubungkan perangkat jaringan dengan tingkat hierarki yang berbeda. Sebagai contoh adalah ketika kita menghubungkan PC ke jaringan komputer kita di kantor lewat switch. Tipe kabel jenis ini lebih umum digunakan dan relatif lebih mudah dalam penyusunan kabelnya saat memasang konektor RJ-45. Berikut susunan warna kabel untuk tipe konektor RJ-45 Straight Through:

  2. Cross Over Configuration
    Kabel jenis ini biasa digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua perangkat jaringan dengan hierarki setingkat, sebagai contoh koneksi antara PC to PC, atau PC ke AP Radio, Router to router. Berikut konfigurasi pengkabelan/pemasangan konektor RJ-45:
    Color Codes for T568B
    Pin     color  pair  name
    ---     -----  ---- ---------
    1       wh/or   2   TxData +
    2       or      2   TxData -
    3       wh/grn  3   RecvData+
    4       blu     1
    5       wh/blu  1
    6       grn     3   RecvData-
    7       wh/brn  4
    8       brn     4
  3. Kabel Rollover
    Kabel jenis ini biasanya digunakan untuk mengakses router dengan PC/laptop kita. Konfigurasi kabel jenis ini cukup simpel karena kita tinggal membalik urutan kabel yang kita pasang di satu sisi. Misal kita menggunakan standar 568B (standar untuk kabel straight through), maka kita tinggal membalik urutan menjadi coklat untuk urutan pertama di ujung kabel yang lain. Berikut deskripsi untuk memudahkan kita membuat kabel rollover.
rollover cable

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

RJ 45

RJ45 is a type of registered jack. As a registered jack, telephone RJ45 specifies the physical male and female connectors as well as the pin assignments of the wires in a telephone cable. The original RJ45 uses a special[1][2] keyed 8P2C modular connector, with pins 5 and 4 wired for tip and ring of a single telephone line and pins 7 and 8 connected to a programming resistor. It is used with a high speed modem.
Before the name RJ45 was used to refer to computer networking connectors, RJ45 was originally a telephone-only standard. Telephone installers who wired telephone RJ45 jacks were familiar with the pin assignments which were part of the RJ45 standard. However, nearly identical physical connectors for computer networking became ubiquitous, and informally inherited the name RJ45 due to the overwhelming similarity. While telephone RJ45 uses a "keyed" variety of the 8P body, meaning it may have an extra tab with which a computer RJ45 connector is unable to mate, the visual difference compared to an Ethernet 8P is subtle.
The only other difference is the presence of extra conductors in the cable, which cannot be seen without very close inspection. True telephone RJ45 connectors are a special variant of 8P2C, meaning only the middle 2 positions have conductors in them, while pins 7 and 8 are shorting a programming resistor. Computer "RJ45" is 8P8C, with all eight conductors present.
Understandably, because telephone RJ45 8P connectors never saw wide usage and computer 8P connectors are quite well known today, RJ45 is (erroneously) used almost exclusively to refer to Ethernet-type computer connectors. Electronics catalogs not specialized to the telephone industry advertise 8P8C modular connectors as "RJ45." Virtually all electronic equipment which uses an 8P8C connector (or possibly any 8P connector at all) will document it as an "RJ45" connector. In common usage, RJ45 also refers to the pin assignments for the attached cable, which are actually defined in wiring standards such as TIA/EIA-568-B.